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What is IELTS

[International English Language Testing System]

IELTS is the first step to entering the dream institute of aspiring students. It is an English Language proficiency test for students from different countries who wish to study and work in Canada [or any English-Speaking Country] just to make sure that international students may not have problems in their day-to-
day dealings.

The IELTS Section of the Columbian Academy has attained the major requirement:-

 One to One attention to students
 Guiding students for better results.
 All four modules are to be covered in every class.
 Excess of study material.
 Sample test papers for each module.

The specialty of Columbian Academy is: –

 Qualified Faculty and personal attention to every student.
 Demon classes and problem-solving sessions.
 Modern Infrastructure and up-to-date ample study material.

We make and prepare the students to complete the modules in the specified time frame: –

Two Modules

Paper-based & Computer-based and are two forms of language

Academic & General The main four modules and time frame are as follows; –
LISTENING: — Paper based/Computer-based.

Duration 40 Min. including four recorded conversations to reply to 40 questions in 40 Minutes.
READING: – Academic
Duration 60 Min. containing 3 reading passages reply to 40 questions in 60 Minutes.
READING: — General. Same as Academics.
WRITING: — Academic & General Same for both Modules
Duration 60 Min. 150 words task to complete two tasks [Letter prompt/Essay prompt].
Duration: —11-14 Minutes face-to-face in 3 parts. The total Test Period is 2hrs.45 minutes.
Scores in the IELTS test are defined as Bands: –

9 – Expert User.
8—Very Good User.
7 –-Good User.
6 —Competent User.
5 —Modest User.
4 —Limited User.
3 —Extremely Limited User.
2 —Intermittent User.
1 —Nonuser.
0 —Did not attempt.

Most Academic Institutions expect the value to be between 5.5 to 7 even some universities expect as high as 8.5.

What is PTE

PTE Academic is a computer-based test that evaluates the Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing abilities of non-native speakers of English who need to demonstrate their academic English capability-often to obtain admission at English-speaking universities, higher education institutions or as proof of their language ability for a visa application. PTE Academic is accepted for student visas & immigration in Australia, Some Universities in Canada & by Universities in New Zealand. The laboratories are designed with highly advanced PC’s and efficient internet access. All four modules are performed in such a way that student will experience the ambience of finals on daily bases.